Visual artist, documentary photographer and educator. Recipient of numerous awards, among them The Crown Prince Couple’s Rising Star Award (Kronprinsparrets Stjernedryspris), 2014, and World Press Photo, 2012. Member of the Scandinavian agency Moment from 2012 until she joined Agence VU' in 2014. External lecturer at DIS Copenhagen since 2015.
2024, February - 2025 April: Kropumulig Kroputrolig, Group show, Vejle Kunstmuseum, Denmark.
2023, June 11 - Oct 31: FAR WEST - Vestjylland i kunsten. Group exhibition, Museet for Religiøs Kunst, Lemvig, Denmark.
2023, Sept 10 - Nov 8: Allanngortoqassaqaaq / A lot is gonna change. Solo exhibition, Ilulissat Art Museum, Greenland.
2023, Oct-Nov: Når verden læner sig frem. Dialog exhibtion with Søren R. Fauth, Norske Huset, Sophienholm, Lyngby, Denmark.
2023: Jeg vender mig om og ser. Collaborative book with poet Søren R. Fauth, published by Ekbátana. ORDER ONLINE
2023 Danish Arts Foundation production grant
2023 Danish Arts Foundation production grant
2023 Danish Arts Foundation production grant
2014 Danish Arts Foundation production grant
Jeg vender mig om og ser. Dialog exhibition, Vandrehallen Kunsthal, Hillerød, Denmark. June 5 - Sept 2, 2023.
Overgange #2 / Transitions #2, Rundetårn, Copenhagen, DK, Sep 4 –Oct 31, 2021.
You are in my Wave ll, Group exhibition with Xenia Fumbarev, Nicolai Howalt, Jochen Lempert, Anne Mortensen and Peter Neusser, Apartment der Kunst (Apartment of Art), Munich, Germany. September 12th - October 9th, 2020.
Q* the queer project, Varde Kunstforening, DK, September 27th - November 23rd 2019.
Transitions / Overgange, with Molly Haslund, Kvindemuseet, Aarhus, DK, May 11th –Sept. 29th 2019.
Self-Staged / Selv-Iscenesat, Teatermuseet I Hofteatret, Copenhagen, DK, June 7th - September 15th 2019.
Q* the queer project, Vandrehallen, Hillerød, DK, June 26th - September 15th 2019. (SOLO)
Fra klassisk til queer, J.F.Willumsens Museum, Frederikssund, DK, January 26th - June 9th 2019.
Uncertain States Scandinavia, NRW-Forum Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf Photoweekend, Germany, March 2019.
Lumix Festival, Hannover, Germany, June 2018.
Nowhere Near. Collaborative exhibition with Mads Greve at Kolga Tiblisi Photo Festival, Georgia, May 2018.
Q*, Holstebro Kunstmuseum, Apr-Sept 2017, Holstebro, Denmark. (SOLO)
Vilnius Photo Circle, Vilnius, Lithuania, February 2017.
Young Danish Photography, Four Boxes Gallery, Denmark. Jan-Feb 2017.
Galerie VU', Paris Photo, France, Nov 2016.
Young Danish Photography, The Centre of Photography, Copenhagen, Denmark. Nov-Dec 2016.
Forårsudstillingen / The Spring Exhibition, the annual juried exhibition at Kunsthal Charlottenborg, Copenhagen, Denmark. March-April 2016.
Kunstnernes Efterårsudstilling / The Artists' Autumn Exhibition, the annual juried exhibition at Den Frie Centre of Contemporary Art, Copenhagen, Denmark, November 2015 - January 2016.
Suis Mon Regard. Galerie VU', Paris, France. November 2015 - January 2016.
Menschenskinder. Lives of Children between Desire and Reality. Kunstkammer Rau, Arp Museum, Remagen, Germany. September 2015 - August2016.
Yrkingar, Aarhus Independent Pixels Festival, Aarhus Academy of Arts, Denmark, October 2015.
Beautiful Child, Vestjysk Kunstforening, Ulfborg, 2015, Denmark. (SOLO)
Beautiful Child, Phototek-Esbjerg, 2015, Denmark. (SOLO)
Lige Nu, Constitutional Act project commissioned by and exhibited at the Danish Parliament, Copenhagen, Denmark, Summer 2015.
Danish Photography, the Photographic Museum of Humanity, 2014.
Festival della Fotografia Etica 2014, Lodi, Italy.
Lumix Festival for young photojournalism 2014, Hannover, Germany.
Jonas’ Julekort, Atelier September, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2013.
Personal Projects 2012, Øksnehallen. Copenhagen Photo Festival 2012.
The photographers of Politiken present..., Ny Tap, Carlsberg. Copenhagen Photo Festival 2012.
Female press photographers, Halmlageret, Carlsberg. Copenhagen Photo Festival 2012.
Eyewitnesses 2011. Pressen, Politikens Hus, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Eyewitnesses 2010. Pressen, Politikens Hus, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Le Méjan, 2006, Arles, France.
Arctic Culture Lab, December 2016 - February 2017.
Arctic Culture Lab, October 2020.
2020 - Danish Picture of the Year 2019 / Portrait / 1st prize.
2014 - The Crown Prince Couple's Rising Star award / Kronprinsparrets Stjernedryspris.
2013 - PDN Photo Annual 2013 / Photojournalism/Documentary.
2013 - NPPA's Best of Photojournalism / Magazine Personality Profile or Lifestyle Story / 1st Prize .
2013 - Danish Picture of the Year / International Reportage / 1st Prize .
2012 - WORLD PRESS PHOTO / Portrait Singles / 1st Prize .
2012 - Pictures of the Year International / Portrait Singles / 1st Prize .
2012 - UNICEF Photo of the Year Award / 4th Prize .
2012 - College Photographer Of the Year / Documentary / Bronze.
2012 - College Photographer Of the Year / Portrait / Bronze.
2011 - College Photographer Of the Year / Portrait / Gold.
2011 - SND Scandinavia / Sektionsforsider / Bronze.
2011 - SND / Multiple Photos Individual Portfolio A-Front / Award of Excellence.
2011 - SND / Multiple Photos Individual Portfolio Feature / Award of Excellence.
2011 - SND / Photography/Single Photos Portrait category / Award of Excellence.
2011 - SND / Feature design pages Lifestyle / Award of Excellence.
2010 - College Photographer Of the Year / Portrait / Silver.
2010 - Danish Picture of the Year 2009/2010 / Domestic Reportage / 2nd prize.
2018 - Nominated for the Danish Picture of the Year 2017
2016 - Nominated for the World Press Photo Joop Swart Masterclass
2015 - Finalist for the Leica Oskar Barnack Award with the ongoing project 'Yrkingar'
2015 - Nominee for the Felix Schoeller Award with the ongoing project 'Yrkingar'
2015 - Nominee for the Felix Schoeller Award with the ongoing project 'Gender Benders'
2013 - Nominated for the World Press Photo Joop Swart Masterclass
2012 - Coup de Coeur de l’ANI
2012 - Luceo Student Project Award finalist
Forgjorthedstilstanden, Forlaget Spring, 2022.
Selv-Iscenesat, exhibition catalogue, Teatermuseet, Forlaget Franka, 2019.
Året, København, 2018. November. Blankt Papir Press, 2018.
HER ER DK, Brøndums Forlag, 2017.
Ung Dansk Fotografi, exhibition catalogue, Fotografisk Center, 2016.
Menschenskinder, exhibition catalogue, Kunstkammer Rau, 2016.
Nordic Now! On contemporary Nordic photography, Filter, Objektiv & Photo Raw. Publisher Aalto, 2013.
2015 - now: External lecturer at DIS Copenhagen.
2017-2023: Teaching summer workshops at Grundtvigs Højskole.
2020 - 2023
Member of the new board of directors at Fatamorgana The Danish School of Art Photography.
2019 - 2022
Portfolio reviewer at Grundtvigs Højskole, Hillerød.
Portfolio reviewer at Fatamorgana the Danish School of Art Photography
Portfolio reviewer at Grundtvigs Højskole, Hillerød.
Portfolio reviewer at KBH Film og Fotoskole
In the jury of the Circle of Life Award at Vilnius Photo Circle.
Portfolio reviewer at Grundtvigs Højskole, Hillerød.
Portfolio reviewer at KBH Film og Fotoskole
In the jury of Circle of Life and mentor and judge of the Photo Circle Homework Award, Vilnius Photo Circle.
Student at Eddie Adams Workshop, Barnstorm XXVI.
2008 - 2013
BA from the Danish School of Media and Journalism, DMJX.
Feb 2010 - Aug 2011
Internship at the Danish daily newspaper Politiken.
2005 - 2007
Film and Media studies at the University of Copenhagen.
Fatamorgana, the Danish School of Art Photography.